Trust that you are EXACTLY where you mean to be!
Updated: Apr 16, 2023

This is a hard one to get your head around especially if you are experiencing a reality that feels unfair, unhappy, unloved or unsure.
· If I’ve just lost my job, how can that be where I’m meant to be? Am I supposed accept that I am a failure?
· If I’ve caught my partner cheating, how is that fair to me? Am I not worthy of being loved?
· If I’ve failed my exams, there is no way that can have a positive spin – no matter how you look at it. I’ve just let myself and everyone down.
The real point here is that whatever your circumstance or situation, you have to go through the experience to get to the next stage.
For example, if you’ve lost your job – rather than focus on what this means about you; consider the options life is giving you to choose a path that was different to what you expected or planned for. It could be the nudge you needed to consider a career change or even set up your business to become your own boss. It could also get you to think about creative ways of making ends meet in order to be able to pay your bills – and you might discover a hidden talent as a direct result!
If you’ve caught your partner cheating – perhaps it is the catalyst to help you to seriously consider what you’ve always known all along and to find the courage to break free and go your separate way; or maybe it is life’s way of giving you a way out if you’ve been feeling trapped in an unhappy relationship.
If you’ve failed your exams, it could actually be the trigger to consider whether your chosen learning path is what you enjoy doing or whether it is something you took on in response to the world’s expectations of you. Even though it might feel that it was a waste of time & effort, it could be life’s way of giving you clarity around what you don’t enjoy doing and giving you the opportunity to redirect your energy and focus on things that you really are passionate about.
The key here is to focus on the truth of what your experience is all about; you REALLY are exactly where you need to be to continue to grow and evolve into the best version of yourself you can possibly be. The things that seem scary are the exact things we need to face to move onto the next phase in life – without this, it is inevitable that we feel stuck, lost and useless.
We, as human beings, are blessed with free will; and it is up to us to trust that the choices we have in front of us are really life’s way of getting us back on track to where we really need to be headed – the way back to love!
~ For it is only after a storm, that a rainbow appears to show you the way and fill you with hope! ~
Love, light & blessings
Gloria Rose Vivian