The secret of your shadow….
Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Light is a pre-requisite for shadows to exist. Without light, there is no shadow.
So, it follows through, that if you can spot the shadow, you can pretty much work out where the light is.
Each and every one of us has a light within us; whether we allow it to shine or not.
The point is really about acknowledging that our inner light casts a shadow – a shadow that follows us everywhere we go.
As it turns out, as humans, we go about our daily business taking our shadows for granted because they are always there in some shape, fashion or form. Little do we realise that if we spare the time to examine our shadow closely, it gives us the information we need to adjust the brightness of our inner light to show us the way forward….because shadows have varying degrees of darkness.
If our light is very bright, our shadow will be very dark.
Equally, if our light is dimmed, then the shadow too will be fuzzy and vague (like the kind of shadow we experience on a misty day, it’s there but barely noticeable).
Therefore, it transpires that you begin to understand more about your inner light when you pay attention to your shadow.
The obvious next question is what causes our light to be bright or dim, to need adjusting in the first place?
Consider how you feel when you encounter a car driving on ‘full beam’ in the opposite direction on a dark night; you get blindsided and usually need to slow down or swerve a bit to keep yourself safe – this is a good example of someone whose light is shining so brightly, they do need to consider toning it down a bit. From a practical perspective, this could manifest as someone who is so loud, brash and over-confident to the point that others find reasons to not be in that persons’ immediate vicinity and make active efforts to avoid him/her; for the sole purpose of not wanting to feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
A dim light, on the other hand, is the exact opposite – an inner light so faint that its almost indiscernible; someone who is so shy and timid, they literally become a wallflower and do everything possible to blend into the background to not draw any attention to themselves. Such a person would benefit from increasing the brightness of their inner light that, in time, would allow them to come out of their shell and learn how to get comfortable in leaning into exploring and enjoying their natural talents instead of denying or shying away from them.
Your shadow holds the secret to not just finding your inner light; but also holds the key to allow you to shine brightly enough to figure out what’s next; and that’s all you really need to focus on!
Love, light & blessings,
Gloria Rose Vivian