Speaking “your truth” will set you free
Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Today marks the point in my life where I broke free from my gilded cage.
For as long as I can remember, I was told that I should be a ‘good girl’, do well in school, learn to cook, sew and be adept at house chores with the sole aim of finding a husband and starting a family. It didn’t matter that I was quite academic and had natural talent in theatre & creative arts. Being self-sufficient, independent and successful were dreams that only boys could have.
The craziest thing is that I really believed it! As an impressionable young child, I unreservedly trusted the adults in my life and spent most of my life trying to fit their definition of a ‘good girl’. My heart yearned to express myself through music, art and drama but any expression of interest in pursuing it as a career or even as a hobby was met with disapproval; and I was so eager to please to earn the title of being a ‘good girl’; I gave up my dreams and did what was expected of me.
Outwardly, it all seemed to work out well; except I was a shell of the true me. The naturally bubbly, lively young girl had learnt to be a wall-flower and recede in the background putting the needs of others first; and in doing so, created a gilded cage for myself where I had forgotten what ‘being me’ even meant….until I found Pellowah.
Pellowah healing facilitates a radical shift in consciousness; increasing one’s capacity for positive change – and immediately after a powerful weekend workshop of being surrounded by Pellowah energy, I was able to step out of the shadows after 40+ years and speak my truth to the adults I had given away my power to. I felt ‘seen’ for the first time….no longer a wall-flower; but a capable person in my own right - whole and worthy of love. I had finally broken out of my gilded cage…….and for the first time felt a sense of freedom and empowerment. Speaking my truth allowed me to reclaim my power, live from my heart and practice self-love – an absolute game-changing combination!
And it has been through this break-through that my offering in the shape of Alma Oasis was brought to life! I am passionate about using my experiences and learning to be of service to others; in breaking free from my self-imposed bondage, I am now totally committed to helping anyone who feels lost or stuck through the intuitive coaching and energy healing services I offer.
Love, light & blessings,
Gloria Rose Vivian