Remember who you are....
Updated: Apr 16, 2023

This week, the Alma Oasis website went live. It was a culmination of all the work I've been doing in the background to dig deep and create a tangible presence that captures the true essence of who I really am.
For some, this might be a relatively simple thing; for others – it might be an impressive achievement. And then again, there will be those that consider that having their very own internet presence in the form of a website is not a big deal at all because the crux of the matter is the actual ‘doing of the work and getting paid’.
And you know what? They would all be correct in their thinking – because everyone’s opinion is relative to their own perception and experiences. On my part, I do not have to agree or disagree; I simply remain curious and interested.
For me, going through the process of creating Alma Oasis was, and continues to be, cathartic at so many levels because it encapsulates all the things I have a natural talent for but never really allowed myself to explore any further to create something I truly love. It also involved delving deep to remember who I really am.
In the Lion King story, Simba created a carefree life for himself following a traumatic experience fully convinced that he was the sole cause of his father’s death. At surface level, even though the life Simba created was based on denying his true destiny of being King, it was a good life – he lived in relative comfort and had friends who he could depend on.
However, as we all know, in order to truly come into this own and be the King he was always meant to be (and everyone knew he could be), he needed to remember who he really was. He had to realise that it is only when you look inside yourself that you find the strength and the power to truly embrace your truth, your true purpose, your real destiny. Only then, do you find the tools and resources you need to cut through whatever preconceived notions and false beliefs you’ve held on to for an eternity. Everyone else could see, with startling clarity, that Simba had all it takes to make a great King; but Simba, himself, had to go through a journey of self-discovery, in his own time and space, to transform into the brave, mighty King he eventually ended up becoming.
Now…I’m no Simba….and am definitely not a fictional, animated any feat of imagination!! :-) But, this "Lion King life lesson" strongly resonates for me as I deal with imposter syndrome on a regular basis ever since I founded Alma Oasis. In digging deep, in remembering who I am, I continue to find the courage and the knowledge I need to continue evolving and growing in my role as a Light-worker, a Healer, a Mentor, a Writer and an Artist.
And, what keeps me firmly grounded is the unwavering belief that I have what it takes….inside of me. I am more than what I have allowed myself to be. I must always remember who I am.
And so should you!
Love, light & blessings,
Gloria Rose Vivian