No idea where or how to start – I don’t know what I’m doing!
Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Today, I had the wobbles.
Having never believed that I had capacity or resources to do anything other than “support work” i.e. help others shine whilst I stayed in the background; I have truly struggled with panic attacks and anxiety around my recent decision to start up my own business.
Who did I think I was to even think that I could pull off setting up and running my own business? And what exactly did I know about anything that made me think that I could set up shop successfully? Imposter-syndrome has been rearing its ugly head at every single opportunity ever since I got started a month ago on working towards making my dream a reality.
I could easily give in to the nagging voice in my head and just give up – it’s too hard, it’s not the right time, it’s not a viable option, it’s not going to generate any real income, it’s going to be a disaster, you don’t have it in you to pull this off, you know nothing, you’re just making it up as you go along, it’s all going to blow up in your face…… except, I have stayed with the tension that this decision has evoked within me, and focussed on simply following my heart and taking one step at a time……
What does following one’s heart really mean though? How do I know what is ‘my heart’?
Only YOU know what makes your eyes light up, creates butterflies of excitement in your stomach, gives you “feel-good” goosebumps, causes you to walk around with big, broad grin on your face and has your inner child dancing and singing with happiness…..and that is precisely what is ‘your heart’ …..!!
Do what makes you happy even if it doesn’t make much sense from the world’s perspective.
All the fear, anxiety and dread that inevitably follows are signs that you are on the right path; so allow it all to surface, face your fears and release the power your fears have over you; set yourself free, move forward and simply follow your heart with the conviction & self-belief that you’ll figure this out one step at a time; and even when it all feels too overwhelming, simply keep going by putting one foot in front of the other….keep chipping away, you’ve got this!!
And so do I!
Love, light & blessings,
Gloria Rose Vivian